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Prepare your manuscript :
Title : The title is the main advertisement for your article. A great title entices the audience to read on; a poorly-titled article may never reach its target readers. Essentially, effective titles:● Identify the article’s main issue.● Begin with the article’s subject matter.● Are accurate, unambiguous, specific and (when possible) complete.● Are as short as possible.● Are enticing and interesting; they make people want to read further.
Author/s : Only authors who’ve made an intellectual contribution to the research should be credited; those who’ll take responsibility for the data and conclusions, and who’ve approved the final manuscript. The order of credited names can vary between disciplines; the corresponding author may not always be the first author.
Keyword list : Important words that, along with those in the title, capture the research effectively. Keywords are used by abstracting and indexing services; choosing the right ones can increase the chances of your article being found by other researchers.
Abstract : is your chance to describe your research in not more than 350 words (for BAR) – so use it wisely. Together, the title and abstract should be able to fully represent your article, including for use by indexing services. Many authors write the abstract last, so it reflects the content accurately.The abstract should summarize the problem or objective of your research, and its method, results, and conclusions. Usually an abstract doesn’t include references, figures or tables.
Introduction : Make the introduction brief. It should provide context and background, but not be a history lesson. It should state the problem being investigated, its contextual background, and the reasons for conducting the research. State the questions you’re answering and explain any findings of others that you’re challenging or furthering. Briefly and logically lead the reader to your hypotheses, research questions, and experimental design or method.
Method (also called Materials and Methods or Experimental Methods) : This section should be detailed enough that readers can replicate your research, and assess whether the methods justify the conclusions. It’s advisable to use the past tense – it’s about what you did – and avoid using the first person, although this will vary from journal to journal.Ultimately, you should explain how you studied the problem, identify the procedures you followed, and structure this information as logically as possible.If your methods are new, you’ll need to explain them in detail. If they’ve been published before, cite the original work, including your amendments if you’ve made modifications. If your research involved human participants, animals, stem cells or other biohazard materials, you’ll need to include certain information in the ethics statement, such as committee approvals and permission to publish. You should also explain your criteria for selecting participants.
Results : This section should present your findings objectively, explaining them largely in text. It’s where you show how your results contribute to the body of scientific knowledge, so be clear and logical. And it’s important not to interpret your results – that comes in the Discussion & Conclusions section.You can base the sequence of this text on the tables, figures and graphs that best present your findings. Emphasize any significant findings clearly. Tables and figures must be numbered separately; figures should have a brief but complete description – a legend – that reveals how the data was produced.
Discussion & Conclusions : This is where you describe the meaning of your results, especially in the context of what was already known about the subject. You can present general and specific conclusions, but take care not to summarize your article – that’s what the abstract is for.You should link this section back to the introduction, referring to your questions or hypotheses, and cover how the results relate to your expectations and cited sources. Do the results support or contradict existing theories? Are there any limitations? You can also suggest further experiments, uses and extensions.
Acknowledgments : Keep acknowledgements brief, naming those who helped with your research; contributors, or suppliers who provided free materials. You should also disclose any financial or other substantive conflict of interest that could be seen to influence your results or interpretations.
References : New research builds on previously published work, which should always be acknowledged. Any information that isn’t ‘common knowledge’, or generated by your experiments, must be recognized with a citation; and quoted text should be within quotation marks, and include a reference.
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